GSBA CPD & Easter Social, Thursday 6 April 2023
Dear Colleagues
You are invited to a CPD on Thursday 6 April 2023 at Galway Courthouse from 2 – 5pm.
We are delighted to welcome our speakers:
- Sinead Glennon, Founder of Transcribe, the typing company, who will speak on the practical application of GDPR & Cyber Security;
- Aoife Noone of Noone Cyber Services who will speak on Key Cyber Safeguards for Business Leaders; and
- John Martin, Solicitor who will speak about Dealing with Clients after Arrest.
Your CPD Certificate can be downloaded here for signing – CPD Certificate of Participation
John Martin’s slides are available for download here – Dealing with Clients in a Garda Station
The CPD will be followed by Easter Social drinks at O’Connell’s Bar, Eyre Square from 5pm. A great evening/night is promised and we would love to see some new faces there!