GSBA Announcements

07 January 2021

District Court Specials

Dear Colleagues, The Special District Court sittings on the 14/15th January and 28/29th January are cancelled. Any civil matters listed on those dates will be...
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07 January 2021

Galway Circuit Court

Dear Colleagues Please see attached document which sets out how Galway Circuit Court will operate for the month of January at least. Matters will be...
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06 January 2021

Circuit Court Sittings Fslway

Dear Colleagues, Please see link re sittings in Circuit Court Galway for the month of January. Kind regards, John Martin
03 January 2021

Courts under current restrictions

Dear Colleagues, Please see link below to District Court Arrangements under the current restrictions. Kind regards, John Martin
22 December 2020

Booking Online Prison Appointments

Dear Colleagues, Please see notice from Irish Prison Services explaining how to book an online consultation with clients in custody. Kind regards, John Martin 20211222...
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22 December 2020

Annual mass for deceased colleagues

Dear Colleagues, Please see attached notice from Colman Sherry. Kind regards, John Martin 20202122 mass for deceased colleagues
15 December 2020

NUIG Governing Body election

Dear Graduate, I am seeking re-election to the Governing Authority in NUIG on the graduate panel in the upcoming elections in January. All graduates can...
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11 December 2020

AGM meetings details

Dear Colleagues, Please note that the AGM is scheduled to take place via Zoom at 3pm this afternoon, technical issues allowing. Meeting ID: 837 6493...
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