Micro-credentials in the area of Law and Innovation being offered by University of Galway
Dear Colleagues,
The School of Law at University of Galway are again offering micro-credentials in the area of Law and Innovation and now have up to 80% subsidy available. Click here to view flyer. These subsidies are available on a first-come, first-served basis, ensuring prompt applications are essential. Detailed terms and conditions for subsidy eligibility can be found here.
The use of technology, software tools and artificial intelligence are transforming legal practice.
These 12 week micro-credentials may be of interest to those that want to upskill in the area of ‘lawtech’ and understand the relationship between law and technology, including using software tools as a means of analysing legal information.
Law and Analytics: 25 places available with a 50% subsidy on course fees. Subsided Fee: e250. Start date: September 2024. Closing date for applications is 23 August 2024.
Lawyering Technology and Innovation: 25 places available with a 50% subsidy on course fees. Subsided Fee: e250. Start date: January 2025. Closing date for applications is 22 November 2024.
Ethics and Law for Artificial Intelligence: 25 places available with an 80% subsidy on course fees. Subsided Fee: e130. Start date: January 2025. Closing date for applications is 22 November 2024.
Micro-credentials are short, accredited modules for professional development and are innovative in their approach to life-long learning.
Please email microcreds@universityofgalway.ie if you have any questions.
How to Apply: Applicants can apply through the Online Application Portal – click here to access.
For instructions on how to make an application, please refer to the ‘Application Process’ section which is available on each Law Micro-credential webpage.