CPD Webinar Tuesday 23 May 2023 2-4pm – €40
Dear Members
The Mayo Solicitors Bar Association have invited Galway Solicitors to an Online CPD Webinar they are hosting on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 from 2–4pm.
Details of speakers are as follows:
- Seamus McGrath from Law Society of Ireland on Solicitors Accounts Regulations
- Maeve Mullin from Finders on Client Ledger Balances Outstanding
- John Costello from Orpen Franks on Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015
The registration link for the webinar is now live: https://app.livestorm.co/finders-international/mayo-solicitors-bar-association-cpd-webinar?s=55195288-8dab-4178-95bc-d0ad5102c9f0
The webinar is free to view but if you wish to avail of the 2 CPD points please send a cheque for €40 to Catherine McDarby, McDarby & Co. Solicitors, Ballinrobe, County Mayo, DX 133001