GSBA Posts

29 April 2024

Save the Date – Shields Cup and CPD event 28th June 2024, Glenlo Abbey

The Annual Shields Cup and BBQ will be held on 28th June, 2024 at Glenlo Abbey.

Any member who would like to participate in the tournament should contact Mr Pat Sheehan on 091 895250 or

For those not intending to golf, a CPD Event will also be held on the same date at the Oak Bar in Glenlo Abbey from 5pm to 7pm followed by a drinks reception and summer BBQ.

Our speakers will include:

Ruadhán Ó Ciaráin BL who will cover –

  • Applications to amend/rectify the Register held by the Land Registry
  • Injunctions in the Landlord & Tenant sphere,
  • Possession Orders,
  • The jurisdiction of the Residential Tenancies Board & Negative Pledge Clauses
  • Well charging Orders and Orders for Sale.


Róisín Á Costello BL who will cover –

  • A general overview of GDPR
  • Taking breach of GDPR proceedings and/or defence of such proceedings
  • Damages as a result of same.

Further details including how to register for the CPD event, are to follow.