The Fennelly Commission – wants to hear from solicitors
The Fennelly Commission is a Commission of Inquiry relating to Garda matters. One section of the terms of reference are to investigate the recording of certain telephone calls to Garda Stations. The Commission are seeking practitioners who had a criminal practice during the years 1980 through to the end of 2013.
Of particular importance are from the year 2008 onwards and the Commission is seeking any telephone numbers which would have used between these years so that they can check if phone calls were recorded and whether any recording has been accessed.
Feel free to revert via email or by phone number below.
Eoin Cannon
Barrister at Law
Commission of Investigation
(Certain Matters relative to An Garda Síochána and other persons)
First Floor, St Stephens Green House, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2
Direct: +353 1 662 1355
For more information on our terms of reference please click below;